
汇能滚动 2024-07-12 09:06:04



New energy refers to the energy that is generated from renewable sources such as wind, water, and solar power. While new energy has many advantages, it also comes with some disadvantages that need to be considered.

Intermittent Nature


New energy sources are often intermittent in nature, meaning they do not generate a constant supply of energy. For example, solar power is only available during daylight hours and wind power depends on the strength of the wind. This can make it difficult to rely solely on new energy sources for consistent electricity supply.

High Initial Costs

The initial costs of installing new energy infrastructure can be very high. For example, building a wind farm or installing solar panels requires significant investment upfront. This can be a barrier for many individuals and companies who cannot afford these costs.

Land Use

New energy infrastructure requires significant amounts of land to be set aside for construction. Wind turbines, solar panels and hydroelectric dams all require large areas of land to be used which can cause conflict with other land uses such as agriculture or residential areas.

Environmental Impact

New energy sources have less environmental impact compared to traditional fossil fuels; however, they still have some negative impacts. Solar panel production requires rare earth metals which are extracted through environmentally damaging methods. Wind turbines can harm wildlife by disrupting migratory patterns and causing collisions with birds and bats.

Inconsistent Energy Output

Due to their intermittent nature, new energy sources may not always produce enough electricity when it is needed most. This means there needs to be backup systems in place which can add additional costs and complexity to the overall system.


In conclusion, while new energy has many advantages, it also has some drawbacks that need to be considered. These include their intermittent nature, high initial costs, land use requirements, environmental impact and inconsistent energy output. It is important to weigh these factors when considering the adoption of new energy sources.
